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  • What is Aikido?
    Put simply, Aikido is a martial art that teaches practicioners to effectively redirect and reverse the energy of their attacker. Because of this unique method of training, Aikido is an art that appeals to all ages and body-types. Aikido also has a rich historical legacy that emphasizes balance and peace. New students at our dojo can expect a rich experience that simultaneously emphasizes extremely effective self-defense and a rewarding knowledge of Aikido philosophy.
  • What is the difference between Aikido and other martial arts?
    Practitioners of Aikido at the SIOA are trained to respect all martial arts and their practitioners. The most significant difference between Aikido and other arts is the emphasis on redirecting an attacker's energy to use against them. For this reason, we prioritize teaching these techniques long before emphasizing the use of punches, kicks, and other strikes. This idea makes Aikido useful for people of all fitness levels, because practioners do not need to overpower their attackers directly. Instead they focus on redirecting the energy of an incoming attack to completely neutralize an aggressor. Note: While strikes are not prioritized for beginner level students, advanced students do study and learn the use of effective strikes.
  • Is aikido an effective form of self-defense?
    YES! The Aikido practiced at the SIOA is an extremely effective form of self-defense. Our highly specialized instructors understand the desire of our students to be able to utilize Aikido for this purpose. In keeping with the history of our dojo, Shihan Contreras (our head instructor) prioritizes this need, and is known to provide lessons illustrating Aikido's usefulness against larger and more powerful attackers in a multitude of realistic scenarios.
  • Will aikido help me get in shape?
    Yes. In terms of fitness, Aikido offers several key-benefits that provide a great foundation for (or supplement to) any fitness routine. All fitness leveles are very welcome at the SIOA! Cardio: Aikido offers a great way to enjoy a cardio-vascular workout that is paced according to your ability. If you are a little out of shape, don't worry! Our training regimen focuses supporting your safe and comfortable development. If you are already physically fit, you'll definitely enjoy Aikido as a supplement to your existing fitness routine. Flexibility: Beginner Aikido practicioners are often surprised to find their flexibility increasing as they progress. This is because Aikido offers a low-intensity path to increasing your capabilities while mastering the essential tecniques of the art. Endurance: As you become accustomed to training with us, you will notice increases in your physical endurance and lung capacity. This stems from both the consistent, low-intensity cardio offered by an Aikido session, as well as the art's focus on healthy breathing. Community: One of the best parts about training at the SIOA is the supportive community. Nothing is more encouraging than the chance to grow and improve among friends. Come join us and see!
  • I'm middle aged. Is aikido right for me?
    Actually, most aikido practicioners are middle aged! This is because our art is based on techniques that can be effectively applied at nearly any level of fitness or physical strength.
  • Is aikido good for kids?
    Our children's class focuses on self-defense while minimizing aggression. This allows young students to grow into the art while being taught the important lesson that a martial art must be respected and should only be used in appropriate circumstances. At the SIOA we take this philosophy very seriously. Children's classes are taught by our head instructor, Shihan Contreras, who has many years of experience teaching students of all ages. Parents are welcome to stay during class, and Shihan Contreras is always available to discuss your child's progress.
  • What should I wear to the dojo on my first day?
    On your first day at the dojo, please be sure to wear: Comfortable workout clothing that allows you to be flexible and work with a partner. No jeans or shorts, please. A pair of socks. Any color or style are fine as long as they cover your feet while working on the mat.
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